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Our Programs

FoolProof has developed a variety of web-driven and ethical resources
all based on the importance of healthy skepticism in life.

FoolProof's programs tackle troubling and evolving consumer issues. FoolProof's resources for both young people and adults operate on the same principles; our approach and messaging challenges the way unwary consumers think about their responsibilities in the free enterprise system.

FoolProof's Consumer Life Skills Curriculums for Middle and High Schools

For lack of an alternative, thousands of teachers have been forced to use financial literacy curriculums that are compromised because they were shaped by interests of marketers more than educators.

FoolProof’s middle and high school curriculums are changing that equation.

We provide free—and agenda-free— curriculums that go beyond teaching rote money skills. We teach consumer life skills than can travel with a young person thru life.

FoolProof for Schools provides teachers and mentors a complete financial literacy and consumer lifestyle curriculum. The curriculum is web-driven and turnkey.

Students made over 43 million page views of our high school curriculum in the 2018-19 school year.

Our Middle School Curriculum is the first curriculum ever to be endorsed by Fairplay. It empowers children to take control of their lives at the moment they are learning persuasive intent.

What we all face: a cluttered, confusing, and deceptive environment for consumers looking for truly trustworthy information. FoolProof developed to provide consumers a safe harbor to research consumer issues, products, programs and services. is a real-time, video-driven oasis that allows consumers to make reasoned financial decisions.

Problems engaging millennials: Millennials aren't wed to the traditional sources for receiving trustworthy information. But they face the same important key financial issues we all face. FoolProof provides millennials dozens of resources—delivered in formats and language they prefer. It tackles issues like student loans and student debt, credit card management, and affordable wedding planning.

And all of our resources feature peer-to-peer learning.

The K-8 Project

This project addresses the lack of turnkey financial literacy tools for teachers, caregivers and parents of underserved children. Underserved communities are most in need and least-served when it comes to accessible financial advocacy for young children.

FoolProof is collaborating with a national leader in tackling this problem. Dr. Lennette A. Coleman, a Founder and Principal at The Ariel Community Academy in Chicago, spearheaded the teaching of financial literacy to children starting in kindergarten in 1996. She now serves on both FoolProof's Walter Cronkite Committee and our K-8 Study Group.

The commercialization of childhood by advertisers: FoolProof's partnership with Fairplay seeks to develop the first scalable financial literacy resources for very young children and their parents.

Faith-Based Financial Literacy Project

Lack of faith-based financial literacy education: FoolProof is currently Beta testing a complete, faith-based financial literacy resource in collaboration with syndicated columnist Michelle Singletary. Our goal is to roll out versions of this resource in communities across America.

FoolProof Military Project

The targeting of military personnel and their families with high-pressure sales and financial scams: FoolProof Military is a collaborative Beta test with the Military Consumer Justice Project and the National Association of Consumer Advocates.

Funding Opportunities

FoolProof needs additional funding to allow us to grow all these ongoing and beta projects. We also seek funding to develop stand-alone Spanish-language and hearing impaired versions of our school curriculum. Also in-the-works is a version of our curriculum for consumers with credit problems.

How Can You Help the FoolProof Foundation?

The FoolProof Foundation is currently seeking volunteers, major donations, and foundation partnerships to help us in funding our work. Please consider becoming involved and supporting ethical and effective financial literacy education across America.

The financial industry invests tens of millions to influence financial literacy messaging. FoolProof will not accept funding from any groups or individuals who might seek to influence our messaging. Our funding comes only from partnerships, donations, and grants from those who believe in our mission. FoolProof relies on these partnerships and charitable donations in order to ensure that our resources remain ethical, free and unbiased.

The FoolProof Foundation is a 501(c)(3) private operating foundation, and as such, all gifts to the foundation are entitled to a charitable tax-deduction to the extent allowable by law. The FoolProof Foundation employs best practices to ensure our fiduciary responsibility and maintains use of donor funds in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Nonprofits.