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Press Release

For Immediate Release

September 14, 2021

For more information:
Tyler Rice: 651-808-8807
[email protected]

Up to 30 Young Women to Receive Year of Life Skills Coaching

"Great things are on the horizon," say project leaders.

The FoolProof Foundation today announced a powerful new partnership with "A Purpose By Design," a foundation dedicated to empowering girls from the Chicago area to discover their power and purpose in life.

"Our partnership will allow Purpose By Design to mentor up to 30 young women over the course of 10 months," announced PBD Founder Tanya Davis. "It's our pilot project."

Hands-on and virtual learning: Students will be paired with female mentors. They'll meet bi-weekly to review lessons learned from FoolProof's online financial literacy and life skills resources.

"We believe that each girl is endowed with unique gifts and a special purpose," Davis added. "We make it our mission to help each girl understand that they were put on earth for a reason. We help them understand that there is worth to their existence."

Long-term impact: "We see financial literacy and life skills as vital for young women to build self-confidence and personal self-sufficiency. With FoolProof, we can empower our girls with the lessons, skills, and abilities to build start building life-long confidence, right now," says Davis.

"Trickle up" mentoring: "Great things are on the horizon for the students we'll be serving together," added Mike Sheffer, Director of Education for the FoolProof Foundation. "Our partnership will impact the lives of each participant. But as importantly, the critical thinking and financial skills girls learn will actually ‘trickle up' to educate adult family members. It can lift up the community as a whole. We've seen this happen literally hundreds of times nationally," Sheffer added.

National and local funding support made this pilot project possible.

To learn more about our campaign to empower young women, and to see how you can lend support, visit their site at

About Purpose By Design:

Purpose By Design believes that God designs every girl with unique gifts and a special purpose. Through retreats, events, and mentoring, we provide young girls with the support they need to help them to actualize their full potential. To learn more about PBD, visit

About the FoolProof Foundation:

FoolProof's financial literacy curriculums are the only financial curriculums in the United States endorsed by Public Citizen, The Consumer Federation of America, FairPlay for Children, the National Association of Consumer Advocates, and the Children's Screen Time Action Network. To learn more about FoolProof's work and see how we're creating a more equitable future, visit